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General Trends For The Year
I fish the gorge on a regular basis. This year we found less kokes, but the kokes we did catch were the biggest we've ever caught. Yes, we too found the Koke migrating north above the Wyoming line in the Anvil area and north in the cliff areas . Mac fishing has also dramatically changed!!! We harvested many small 6-8 lb Mac pups, trying to find the bigger macs. The good news is there are more Macs than we've ever seen, the bad new is the big trophy lakers are getting harder and harder to come by and they're no longer in the normal areas of the past. We also fished Strawberry many times Catch and Release. Overall the Berry yeilded good fishing all year. While I agree the slot limit has made a big difference, it could have been even better! We observed many anglers not honoring the slot. We actually watched a one person boat land 16 fish and harvested everyone of them. When I called it in to the Marina via the marine radio, the DWR didn't seem at all interested? Everytime we went onto this water, we observed violation after violation. In fact most of them would clean their ill-gotten fish right at public cleaning station. Where was the DWR[unsure].......?

Lookign forward to getting on the ICE at both Gorge and the Berry. [cool]

Messages In This Thread
General Trends For The Year - by neveronsunday - 12-06-2003, 07:58 PM
Re: [kokeking] General Trends For The Year - by FishN2Dmax - 12-06-2003, 10:34 PM

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