12-07-2003, 12:09 AM
I still have the very first paper graph I owned. It's a King Electronics model 88. Paper graphs are the heat. The defintion is unbelievable. The width of the stylus (pen) is less than 1/2mil. Put that on paper that is 6" high and you've got a heck of a lot of defintion. I don't use it anymore because paper is hard if not impossable to come by and it's expensive. Changing rolls at sea was always a hassle and the noise would drive you insane (they make a tic, tic tic sound as the sytlus moves across the paper). The great thing about paper was you always had a permanent record of what the bottom looked like. I still have my LORAN book from Fl., and all the spots in it have a piece of paper stapled to them so I knew what I was looking for when I went back. Both Trimble Navigation and Liquid Grapics have recently come out with LCD's with paper like defintion. I used one this summer while I was Grouper fishing. The lower end Trimble model is like $2000.00 and the high end color model is about 5 grand. While I love toys, it's even hard to justify one of those to myself for Trout fishing. Not to mention, I don't have 2 grand to blow on a fishfinder.