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Fun Monday on Chilly Willard 10-21-13
Well the day yesterday was beautiful. A bit cool to start, but very nice once the sun got up well above the mountains. I took my camp chair, 2 poles, tackle box, worms, my book and 2 thermoses of coffee. The Carp were snorkeling in the shallows about 10 feet from the edge, and I could see and hear them jumping all over that area.
I was on the north side of the north marina channel where it curves out to the right. Started out on the edge of that small pool between shoreline and main body of lake. Realized was too shallow there, and move around to the outside finger right at the marina outlet.
I had my 10 lb. line rigged trolling poles out of my boat a couple weight rigs with egg weights, and a 2 ft. leader with Mustad bait hook on each rod. Gave me enough weight to make a fairly long cast out to deeper water. Last Saturday when I was in that same general area in my boat, I was anchored out in about 4-5 ft. and I had one good Cat there. Yesterday I got 2 fairly standard Cats out of that spot from the bank. Had about a dozen hard hit, run, reel, lose, episodes I'm sure were Carp. But I had a nice quiet day.
Oh yea, did have just one boat come thru the channel. A X45 Ski boat. They came out nice and slow, sure they were watching the depth there at the marina outlet where it humps up sharply, then they headed straight west to the wall. Didn't hardly hear or see them again till about 2 PM when they were coming back in as I was packing up. As I had several errands to run on my way home, and didn't want the Cats just sitting in the bucket, I released them both.

I already have quite a bit of Catfish fillets in the freezer to give me a taste now and then through the winter.

Now, time to start getting out some of the Christmas decorations that will go on the house. I know it's only October, but if I wait, and it snows or freezes in the next couple weeks, I won't get up on the roof after that.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder

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Re: [TubeDude] Fun Monday on Chilly Willard 10-21-13 - by Tin-Can - 10-26-2013, 03:31 PM

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