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Landed my first *Chinook*!
I don't see a huge difference in Chinook Salmon from Alaska to California as far as body shape goes within the same species for the same run. I would agree the amount of spotting and external coloration will vary depending on the biomass that the fish is from. Natures way of allowing the fish to hide within it's environ I suppose. Still, I don't see many white gummed Chinooks in the Northern reaches. I have however seen ocean Kings in California without the external color hue of a Coho that did have an all black mouth with white gums. The spotting, tail, and the rest of the markers all said King. I released it as I certainly wasn't going to debate it with the F&G. They instantly call these fish Coho and ticket you.

Now if you could tell me how to discern a white meated feeder King from the orange meated Kings in Alaska without cutting them open it would help. I love the white Kings!

Messages In This Thread
Landed my first *Chinook*! - by flyfisher117 - 10-13-2013, 11:42 PM
Re: [Mojo1] Landed my first *Chinook*! - by Mojo1 - 10-22-2013, 07:31 PM
Re: [STEELHEADKID] Landed my first *Chinook*! - by MMDon - 10-31-2013, 09:25 PM

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