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TNsnow, Chic, Bass, 11-8
<br /> Dad punked out on me today but I soldiered on and had a good day!<br /> I put in at Harrison Bay around 10 this morning and spent most of the day within a couple of miles from there. I caught a couple on a Bass Attacker craw pithing the edges of grass. The bites were solid but you had to fish slow..<br /> Just after noon I headed across the lake to a small pocket and caught a 3 on a frog. Just down from this bass started breaking on a shallow point and I put 5-6 more in the boat on a spinner bait and chatter bait.<br /> Went up close to the Nuke plant and caught one on a grassy point on a chatter bait.<br /> No bait or activity so I moved across the lake to the south side and finally found a stretch of grass with some poppin' and caught a couple and missed a few more on the frog.<br /> Moved back down to the pocket where I first caught a few and finished strong. Caught a couple more on a CB and a couple of good ones on the frog.<br /> Wound up with 15-17 fish boated (around 30 bites) with the best 5 going 17-18 lbs. Had one right at 5 and another 4 lber. with 4 more good 3 pounders.<br /> Water temp is still 60-62 and the bait is getting right!

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TNsnow, Chic, Bass, 11-8 - by FishNews - 11-10-2013, 10:00 AM

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