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Pedal Pontoon Project
Mirage flappers are considerably less efficient than the propeller drives.

This contradicts everything I have read and seen published about at least the Propel prop drive and the Mirage drive. While in theory this may be correct, cavitation of the shallow prop in practice is very lossy.

Although to be perfectly honest, I would have rather used a Propel drive for the forward and backward pedal motion (plus it looked easier to mount to a tube).

I just couldn't find one for sale as a separate unit.

And the Mirage drive, from all accounts, appears to be more efficient in a single direction.

The MinnKotas are not very efficient at all on small craft. Their propellers are purposefully large with low pitch to produce high thrust to maintain constant speeds in a variety of situations.

With the low drag of a pontoon or kayak, they are rather wasteful.

Mirage powered Kayaks with the V2 drive clock in around 7.2MPH full speed and 3MPH with a comfortable pedal (and reducing those for a slightly more draggy pontoon is where I come up with my guestimates).

A MinnKota 30 will draw ~30A at 12V (360W) and never go over 5MPH due to the prop speed limitations.

Messages In This Thread
Pedal Pontoon Project - by MasterDaad - 11-14-2013, 01:36 AM
Re: [pontoonman] Pedal Pontoon Project - by MasterDaad - 11-15-2013, 07:20 AM

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