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Jones Hole Hatchery to close?
[#0000FF]Starvation has not had the new strain of rainbows very long. I think they started putting them in there about 5 years ago...and it has been the last two or three years that they have really changed the fishery. There are now some 24 inchers showing up...and plenty over twenty. They are deep bodied, with small heads and they really do zing your string...with plenty of air.

There are also quite a few big browns but they are less common and harder to catch.

And of course there are plenty of tank-sized carp. Those things are scary. I have had a group of three or four take up station behind me while kicking along and I could almost imagine them saying to each other "Okay, guys, on three we pull him under." Next to Flaming Gorge, Starvation is probably one of your best bets to hook a carp over 20 pounds on a fly rod. Water is clear and the fish are aggressive.

Messages In This Thread
Jones Hole Hatchery to close? - by TubeDude - 11-16-2013, 02:47 PM
Re: [flygoddess] Jones Hole Hatchery to close? - by TubeDude - 11-16-2013, 11:30 PM

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