11-19-2013, 04:07 PM
Thanks for you input. I guess if you can call a hunting trip without any harvest a success, then the hunt was a success. We didn't see even a single doe on the whole trip. I did call in a 5 pt bull to about 40 yards, just by whistling. [] That was pretty cool.
On the upside of the depressing hunting, fishing was pretty good. I caught a 17-18 inch bull trout (the best in size of about 10-12) and a number of cutts (I'd say about 10 or so, up to 16 inches) and a small brookie.
On the upside of the depressing hunting, fishing was pretty good. I caught a 17-18 inch bull trout (the best in size of about 10-12) and a number of cutts (I'd say about 10 or so, up to 16 inches) and a small brookie.