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Blue Catfish Tagging Project Reminder
Maryland Inland Fisheries personnel have been dart-tagging Blue Catfish as part of a cooperative effort between the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fish (VDGIF), Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Chesapeake Bay Program to determine the range and movement of Blue Catfish in the tidal Potomac River. To date, over one thousand Blue Catfish have been double-tagged with one white and one yellow dart tag near the dorsal fin of the fish. Anglers catching a tagged fish are asked NOT to remove the tags but call the phone number printed on the side of the tag and provide the following information: tag number, date of catch, location of catch, estimated size of the fish, and depth of water where the fish was caught. A special Blue Catfish Tagging Program hat and/or pin will be sent to anglers responding with this information.


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Blue Catfish Tagging Project Reminder - by FishNews - 12-10-2013, 12:12 PM

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