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Wobble Jig Mold availble now !!
"Pat, how do you paint these? Airbrush? Dip?"

[#0000FF]Hey, who you callin' a dip?

You can paint leadhead jigs by any means and with any type of paint that will give you the colors you want and which will stay on after a few dings on the rocks. That includes enamel, acrylic, powder coat, etc.

I use mostly the vinyl jig paints. They come in a wide range of colors which allow me to also do some custom color mixing. And they also hold on to the heads better...with less chipping than jigs colored with brittle powder paints.

If you are artistic and have a good airbrush you can put out some fancy finishes. But I prefer to hand paint most of mine. The solid colors are fastest, and hand painting makes for a thinner and more even coat than dipping...and does not clog up the eye of the hook. Also, hand painting is the only way I can produce painted patterns such as my "pale perch", "fire tiger" and other specialty models.

I also use glitter on most of my jigs...either as a highlight (light) coat over other colors or as a two coat process to produce an all glitter head.

After painting and glittering I add eyes...either a single spot of red or black...depending on the undercolor...or as a black pupil in the middle of a chartreuse eye. I firmly believe that "the eyes have it" in getting more attention and harder strikes.

My final steps are first a coat of clear vinyl jig fill in the rough spots and smooth out the basic finish. Then a final coat of two part epoxy to make the finish hard and resistant both to the solvents in plastics and to chipping from being banged on structure.

I would be happy to have a "show and tell" session with you before you get started on the jig making thing. A demo is worth a thousand pictures...

In the meantime, here is another writeup.

Messages In This Thread
Wobble Jig Mold availble now !! - by Therapist - 12-22-2013, 05:22 AM
Re: [RockyRaab] Wobble Jig Mold availble now !! - by TubeDude - 12-22-2013, 06:17 PM

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