12-11-2003, 08:30 PM
[cool] Sounds like a lot of you guys are familiar with the area, so let me just add this: My wife's family owns about 360 air acres as you are almost to the top of Fairview Canyon there is some private property to your left with a little turn off there and a big steel gate about 50 yards in from the road. It's just before you see that old ski lift on your right heading toward the top of the canyon. Anyway, we camp there in the summer and fish around that area, but since the wife and I have only been married for 2 years and last summer I was a car salesman (so I had 0 time to get away on weekends) I've only gone up there twice. I definitely want to go up there a ton this summer and get to know E-Lake, Hunnington, and Joes Valley Reservoir a little more. The only place I've fished up there are the creek in Fairview canyon (AWESOME Fishing for little browns and cut's) and Cleveland Reservior, and fairview res. I love it up there in those mountains. It's like heaven. Lots of places to go, and not too big of crowds, like when you wanna go up into the Cottonwood Canyons in the summer time-boy is that a joke![pirate]