01-06-2014, 03:56 AM
I have to agree with everyone else here. Ash and tarponjim are experts when it comes to that lake. Most of the large fish have been around for 20+ years and have seen almost every trick in the book so if ANYTHING is less than perfect they wont bite. Just a blip on the fish finder and then gone. That being said I am a die hard DIY guy and as a result have spent 20+ days fishing that particular body of water without catching a single fish out of the 'pup' range. If you're ok with that then great, but to be honest every time I go with the price of gas being what it is I could have probably been guided by now and at least gotten into some decent fish without spending any more than I already have. Maybe I'm planning on saving up and biting the bullet next year. I'd rather not lose any more sleep about what I'm doing wrong. But hey, take it for what it's worth.