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Yuba's as busy as a AIRPORT!
[quote utahgolf]someone sees someone else catch a pike, then the swarms crowd them! That's why i hide in my tent, so no one can see when I catch a fish! Amazed at how people will set up right on top of you and don't get me started about how rude I think it is when the 4 wheelers blow right by you within 3 feet of your setup! It's a big lake, spread out people! I like the seclusion and peace that fishing brings, yuba was that way last year. This year tho, tons of noise, people hooting and hollering and flying by camps on wheelers etc.... Definitely gotta hit it on a weekday and hike as far as ya can.[/quote]

Yep, what happens in a tent, stays in the tent![laugh]

I will probably just do weekdays myself. I am glad to see the harvest of the pike, but can do without the gerneral "jackass-ery" that comes with the crowds!

Oh well, as I stated beforehand, I just needed to adjust.

And for the record, I was not in a tent till the last hour of the trip.

Messages In This Thread
Yuba's as busy as a AIRPORT! - by TyeDyeTwins - 01-19-2014, 02:04 AM
Re: [utahgolf] Yuba's as busy as a AIRPORT! - by TyeDyeTwins - 01-20-2014, 05:26 PM

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