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Winter Fly Fishing on the MP
[quote Lobina_Mosca]Just finished up midge month on our website if you're interested:

Good info on what to throw to finicky midging fish. Just scroll down that list and you'll find some decent patterns and some photos of the types of midges (aka chironomids) you'll see on the river. Brassie's are good imitations for midge larva or even pupa if you like. Also, streamers will work.

The photo below was taken on the middle using a #30 bunny midge.

[.IMG][/IMG][/quote] so when you're fishing flies that small 1: how the heck do you see them? and 2: what tippet size do you use? I feel like 6x just wouldn't hold so well on a decent sized fish. Also what knots do you tie them on with?

Messages In This Thread
Winter Fly Fishing on the MP - by TroutMan93 - 02-04-2014, 01:13 AM
Re: [Lobina_Mosca] Winter Fly Fishing on the MP - by TylerKunz - 02-04-2014, 05:40 AM

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