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Willard/Deer Creek early walleye techniques
The bear river is one of the most underrated fisheries in utah and idaho in my opinion. If you ever get the exploration bug, start at the bird refuge area and start working up. Better yet, take an inflatable pontoon or canoe down from cutler dam and look for any rapids, diversion dams, rocky pools, etc...

I was surprised by the amount of good areas and structure, but they are usually small spots that wouldn't support too much pressure from a bunch of guys. Incidentally, those spots that are good for walleye ALWAYS hold lots of other species and some of the best LMB and crappie fishing for me have come from these same spots. It takes a lot of poking around and exploring, but if a guy knows what he's looking for it can pay off huge!

The Bear river from cutler to Oneida has quite a few hotspots as well. Every one of them is a boat in spot and that keeps the pressure to almost nothing. There are so many great opportunities through that stretch and bigger walleyes than below cutler. Huge catfish as well.

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Re: [CoyoteSpinner] Willard/Deer Creek early walleye techniques - by gmwahl - 02-28-2014, 08:29 PM

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