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Favorite thing to fish for and why
I just like catching fish….for me, I go through cycles where my interests change. Lately, I have been really interested in stripers, wipers, and pike. But, most of the time the easiest fishing fix revolves around trout.

I can say for certain, though, that I never target walleye…I think they are the worst fighting fish out there and terrible sport fish. When I am fishing for pike or stripers at powell and catch them, though, I will keep them to eat. I am so glad that more of our waters aren't managed for these fish….they would give the sport of fishing a bad name because there is no real sport in catching them!

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Re: [rancid_crabtree] Favorite thing to fish for and why - by wormandbobber - 03-11-2014, 05:21 PM

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