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Favorite thing to fish for and why
I'll throw my two cents, probably not worth that.

I love the Browns on the Green, a large brown in that environment in exhilarating.

Like the strike and fight of a wiper on Willard, especially a 3 pound plus. One of the best strikes you can have.

Also like large large cuts on Strawberry.

All around, a stout high mountain Uinta Brookie, challenging to get, terrific battle.

Can't leave out stippers at Powell, they can and do strip line.
Personally not a fan of perch or walleyes, somewhat flavorless, but still very good, like tilapia, not very fishy.
Not much of a fight usually. But I love to eat fish, put me down for catfish eating too.

So 1. Brookies, 2. Wipers 3. Browns

Ok, 3 cents worth.

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Re: [rancid_crabtree] Favorite thing to fish for and why - by Uintaman - 03-11-2014, 10:22 PM

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