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trolling motor vs trolling plate?
Hate to admit it, but I tried the bucket first. It was a pain in the rear and didn't slow that 115 down much either. The buckets full of water are hard to get in the boat, the rope likes to get in the motor, I couldn't get a troll plate fast enough. But soon the fuel issue surfaced. When your truck eats $40 and the boat $30 and park/ launch fees at $12 if ya get a snack your a $100 a trip and if ya fish as much as I do that breaks me fast. So I'm learning to save where I can. Later J

Messages In This Thread
trolling motor vs trolling plate? - by oneicehole - 03-25-2014, 04:30 PM
Re: [zman2] trolling motor vs trolling plate? - by SkunkedAgain - 03-25-2014, 10:03 PM

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