03-26-2014, 04:54 AM
Hey rabble rowser or ....Tube dude. I'm a shore fisherman an had my fair share of fly byes from boats.They really don't seem(some guys) to take notice. Uhh maybe he's waving me off on my fishing expedition! The waving doesn't need detail. Right? Anyway. I've tried targeting walleye from the UT lake with no results. I've only tried the harbors like lindon, provo. I've tried curly tails and bait rigs. Is it possible to get a walleye from shore at this prespawn time? Ive been told to jig arownd the rocks in the harbors but I've only caught bullheads on bait with the couple of small channel cats this time of year off worms. Lost a lot of curly tails but that was expected. Also don't pay any attention to ignorance[:|]. Its just human nature