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Fish Finder Battery Connections
[quote kandersonSLC]So you are running both motor and sonar off the same battery? I tried that once but had too much interference on sonar. I've thought of trying a choke coil or other shielding but haven't gotten around to it.

Can you explain further -- "When not using the motor, we also have the small connector on the small security battery." Does this mean you do use a smaller 12v battery for sonar?[/quote]

Never a problem with interference. The sonar is run off the main battery in a boat too. We have had several sonars too, with no problem.

As for smaller battery, when doing hike ins (or down to as in LD) we try to keep it as light as possible. So we have several 12V rechargeables.
[Image: IMG_1440_zps463e0f85.jpg]

Middle one being the normal rechargeable most people buy.
We made a short adapter plug for these batteries.
[Image: IMG_1439_zpsf3b46753.jpg]

The thin one fits nice in the side of the bag. and the little square is really sweet.
[Image: IMG_1443_zpsc7dbdcec.jpg]

Another nice thing about using a big battery with both, is if the sonar has the feature, it can tell you how much juice you have left. Good to know when you venture out a ways.

Messages In This Thread
Fish Finder Battery Connections - by kandersonSLC - 03-26-2014, 04:18 AM
Re: [kandersonSLC] Fish Finder Battery Connections - by flygoddess - 03-26-2014, 03:17 PM

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