03-27-2014, 01:31 AM
In almost every state I've lived in (and it's a lot) the possession limit is usually double the daily limit. Here is an exception to this rule. Almost impossible to enforce unless an officer decides he wants to look in your freezer. If you don't plan on eating it or mounting it, don't keep it. Have absolutely no problem what-so-ever keeping a couple fish for the table. Just telling the OP to not expect walleye to become of primary concern here as they are not on the priority list as far as conservation goes and agreeing with him that large females should be released at all times of the year to keep the species going for more people to enjoy in the future. They seem to be viewed more of a nuisance and an invader rather than the tasty game fish they really are. Might as well manage what few places they live to their benefit than try to get rid of them. The state could make more money that way.