04-01-2014, 08:57 AM
One of the perks of being the oldest in a family is you have the best chance of fishing with the most generations. My grandfather just loved fishing even after loosing his dad to the snake river while fishing. Made him the man of the house at 15. Times were different back then. My younger brothers just don't have memories I do as they were too young at the time. They just remember him fishing beside grandma on the edge of a lake. Never the river fisherman he had always been. I watch my nieces and nephews and know they will never have the opportunities my kids have had as my wifes dad can no longer fish by himself or help them much. Parkinson's sucks. My dad is a little younger and still going strong which is nice. I think my brothers little ones one day will be like their dads and only remember grandpa fishing by grandma on the edge of a lake. Each year his trips up and down the stream get a little shorter and shorter. I guess the race is on. Time running out on one side. Time moving too slow to get old enough to remember on the other. Just some advantages of being the oldest.