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Pike and walleye: boost and bane
Glad to see the same guys are still arguing about the same old stuff. I read through the Yuba management plan and the responses. The truth is while I totally respect RMA and BASS representatives they do not represent the majority of the Utah anglers. They are ever present and politically active thus their voice carries more weight with the powers that be. With that said the managers should take their online surveys with a grain of salt since certain organizations are more active. I believe it tends to give a certain biased perception to the special wants groups.

With that said let make a couple comments and perhaps someone could answer. It was nicely stated by wormandbobber that nothing really matters at Yuba if the prey species doesn't have structure to evade the evil Yuba pike. However I don't see a single item in the management plan that addresses water levels or structure for the prey specie. So in my 3rd grade way of thinking the long term objectives are a moot point aren't they?

Furthermore if the pike can never control the carp and the carp will reproduce in large numbers regardless, then why are you even attempting to make Yuba a "trophy" pike lake?

Walleye are not easy fish to catch by the average joe bank tangler. Pike are harvested in much larger numbers by shore anglers than walleye. Pike are easy to catch and dumber than a box of rocks. While they may not taste as good pike are an absolute blast to catch.

So again why are folks even trying to turn Yuba into some exotic non-resident walleye travel destination. If you don't have control of the water levels the plan will fail. I feel like ya'll should quit listening to the voices from RMA and BASS and embrace it as a pike fishery. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems like a lot of effort and expense is being put into a fishery for the wants of a few conservative organizations.

One final comment on the six tournaments mentioned in the management plan. I find it odd that the DNR priced the same special interest groups right out of the tournament business. Which was brought on by a knucklehead holding non-sanctioned illegal contests. If ya really want to do six events and harvest some fish hold something similar to the burbot bash or would that offend the conservative nature of the special interest groups advocating all bass and pike waters should be managed for trophy potential.

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Re: [Duckaholic87] Pike and walleye: boost and bane - by Needakickerfish - 04-06-2014, 05:03 PM

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