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2013-2014 steelhead season.
I know I'm lacking on the reports lately my life style between work, family and fishing has been ridiculous this last year. Heck I hardly even take pictures of my fish any more but I did take a few pics. so I thought I would share what I have from this season with you guys.

It wasn't the best year for returns but I still managed to nail some fish. I caught my earliest steelhead ever this season Clear back in August on the swing with the Spey rod. I fished out of state water for the first time ever and absolutely put the hurt on those tiny grand ronde chrome domes. I also caught steelhead in more bodies of water than I ever have in the past. Mainstem of the Clearwater, NF of the Clearwater, SF of the Clearwater, Salmon River, Little Salmon River, the Snake and the Grand Ronde. I pretty much stayed away from the gear fishing this season Predominantly using my 7wt 13ft echo Spey rod and my 8wt 9ft Winston but I did catch a couple this season on some gear. Enjoy the pics guys.

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2013-2014 steelhead season. - by chrome_junky - 04-20-2014, 12:43 PM

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