05-04-2014, 10:35 AM
First Fishing Report -- May 1, 2014
It's off to a disappointing start but we should be used to severe swings in the weather. The flooding we'll see in the next few days will affect the Connecticut River and most other rivers and streams to some degree.
However as of this afternoon they were catching striped bass on worms on most of the piers in the lower Connecticut River. Reports from boat fisherman in the river were not as good. I expect the shorebound bait fishing to hold up through the flooding but they'll be tough to find in the main body of the River for a few days.
Reports from the Housatonic River have been good to very good for stripers. The brown water flowing down might push some of the winter hold over bass down to the Sound.
A few winter flounder have been caught in the Niantic River, verified by Matt Hillyer.
Fluke and blackfish are closed in CT but open in RI.
We've published the NY/ CT / RI fishing regs and will try to put it up on our website.
Tide tables have been printed an should arrive soon.
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475
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