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Spring salmon/Lewiston update
To shed some light on the river being closed tomorrow. The reason fish and game is closing the lower Clearwater so early this year is because they went with a new approach to the season. They broke up the quota of CW basin fish and distributed it through out the sections based on the harvest rates of previous season. The higher the harvest rate the lower the quota. This is why big eddy was never opened and the confluence is being shutdown so early. This is an atempt by F&G to not have a repeat of last season where at least 90% of last years quota was caught in a four day period on the lower Clearwater. This was a huge problem for them as the upper river guys never even got to see a pitch. This is an attempt to lengthen the season and give everybody a shot at getting a fish.

For a change I agree with them. Let's face it. We all know there is not enough fish to go around. Even on years like this where we have a pretty good run.

They are going to drag this season out as long as they can. The upper river communities such as kamiah and kooskia depend on the little economic boost these fish supply and last year they got hosed. It won't surprise me if cherry lane to orifino bridge will be shutdown in two weeks. That being said, my opinion is if you had a crack at the fish and your complaining about getting shutdown make the trek up river and stimulate these small towns business's. It's worth the drive. I chase them all over every year and every body and section of rivers is unique and offers different unforgettable experiances.

So make the trek or let other people have a swing at what you already had a chance at.

Honestly I wish we fishermen and women were more worried about what's happening to our fish before they even get to Idaho. Instead of "oh no I didn't catch enough." The fact that the lower Columbia was opened again just further asserts that neither state has any regard for a resource that they had no part in creating or managing. It's time to involve senators and legal council. Sadly I fear the fishing community has grown lazy and spineless. Every time the subject ever gets brought up there's always the group that says "what's the point nothing will ever be done about it." That is a huge reason right there why nothing gets done about it. We have voices, endless networks of social media and email. People will notice and the situation can be addressed.

Sorry about my rant.

Messages In This Thread
Spring salmon/Lewiston update - by Kodiak1 - 05-08-2014, 11:22 PM
Re: [sturgeon8r] Spring salmon/Lewiston update - by chrome_junky - 05-16-2014, 05:41 AM

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