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Winder Has Gone to the Birds
I thought it would be going good too.

Temperature ranged from 57 deg in the morning to almost 60 by afternoon. Or it could be that it was just warmer up by the dam. I mostly worked the north shore thinking that it would warm up faster than the south side. Don't know if it really made much of a difference though. I didn't find many fish either shallow or deep. They're probably schooled up together somewhere all comfy waiting for the magic temperature.

Besides the birds, I am wondering how the fast spring fill of cold water on Winder affects the fish. Winder, Condie, and Twin all get their water in the spring from snow melt off of Mink Creek. That has to be a pretty cold bunch of water coming in on the sun warmed shallow stuff.

Messages In This Thread
Winder Has Gone to the Birds - by cpierce - 05-18-2014, 10:09 PM
Re: [Pharticus] Winder Has Gone to the Birds - by cpierce - 05-19-2014, 12:15 AM

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