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Krippled Anchovy for Striper?
First of all.. I'M BACK! I took a prolonged hiatus but I'm back and hopefully can start landing some fish.

So here's the deal... I've never caught a striper. I've tried many a time but I believe my issue is coming from possibly using the wrong size / type of hook combined with my anchovy not staying on my hook long enough to catch anything.

While looking around online I found something I think would help, but I'll have to order it online since the bait shops in this area of the country don't sell them. It's called the Krippled Anchovy. There are a couple different set up options using a J hook and a Treble hook, or just 2 Treble hooks; but the concept is the same.

How do you guys think these would fair either drop shot-ed or fished bottom from shore?

Here are the rigging instructions:

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Krippled Anchovy for Striper? - by bigdaddy_lv - 05-19-2014, 03:47 PM

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