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Idaho Fishing Advice - Want to be a Respectfull Tourist and Learn the Basics
Hey all thank you for the responses and advice. Okay, sounds like our best bet is to stop by the ranger station and get specific advise on what trails are open and we can file a trip plan with them anyways. Nijimasu that is one the dot, exactly what we want to do. Holy smokes i'm salivating here at my desk thinking about fresh trout on the fire in the middle of nowhere!!!!!! You can eat the cutthroats too right? I still have to read through the fishing regulations, but I think i'll get everything straight by stopping in at the local tackle shop. Awesome, any further advice on trails that may be open and fishing tactics would be appreciated. Also the live bait're telling me that if i catch a grub, nymph or worm I can't fish with it or are they just concern about transporting insects around and introducting invasive species?

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Re: [nijimasu] Idaho Fishing Advice - Want to be a Respectfull Tourist and Learn the Basics - by Nick_PA - 05-19-2014, 04:01 PM

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