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Fishing in Southern Nevada
Another option that you might look at and I dont see mentioned much here at all is Nesbitt lake.

Its only about 1.5 hour away and although yout wont catch any monsters, you will catch bass! Alot of them. Last time I went, (now keep in mind I move to Texas in 09) but last time my bud and I went in 09 we caught over 100 bass in half day ranging from 10-14 inches.

Also some really niec blue gill in there. Or there were... This is old intel.

Kirch is the way to go for me, we had great luck there catching both bass and trout of good size.

So. Nevada is tough place to retire if your into fishing, but there are options!

PS the fishing in Texas is great!!!! Not bragging guys, just saying ha ha

Messages In This Thread
Fishing in Southern Nevada - by jellyworm - 05-12-2014, 11:21 PM
Re: [Erawk] Fishing in Southern Nevada - by Dan79 - 05-20-2014, 02:36 PM

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