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Ethanol and Boat Motors
The cliff notes on ethanol. It absorbs water and will deteriorate plastics. A boat with an open vented gas tank will absorb a ton of water, if you have a metal can and not a tank it wont be as bad. If you take a few weeks to burn through your gas it will absorb water, you will get bad burning fuel, fouling, carbon build up etc. Also no way around it, long term ethanol will eat through your fuel lines and gaskets. There is a reason auto manufactures wont warranty engine problems if people used e-15. Basically an outboard is a very expensive, finicky motor, a couple minutes of extra driving is worth it. Google non ethanol gas stations.

Messages In This Thread
Ethanol and Boat Motors - by Bigtrout5 - 05-22-2014, 01:13 AM
Re: [FindFish] Ethanol and Boat Motors - by hizah - 05-22-2014, 03:05 AM

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