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Green River Section A
[quote night_flyguy]Hey Flygoddess,
I gave you a free Rexfly so you could try it out. Are you saying you don't see any advantage after after casting with it? What was your experience with it?
Some of the top FFF instructors in the country love it including Macauley Lord, LL Bean's top instructor who wrote their fly fishing book, Bruce Richards who designed SA's fly lines, and Joe Mahler who just wrote an article with Lefty on casting for Fly Fisherman.
I'd still love to hear what your experience using it was.[/quote]

Are any of these gentlemen using it? I know one of them and pretty sure he isn't, but that is nether here nor there.
I did try it and lost a nice size carp. There is no palming the reel without taking that time to click the reel back on the rod (go figure). Not to mention the carp hitting like a freight train and almost pulled the line out of my hand due to the sudden weight on the tip.
Sometimes seconds count.
You say the line on the reel does the line out the tip of the rod making it tip heavy. Rods are designed to be like pendulums for most comfort.

I am glad you are proud of your product and I got to say, you get after it. If one person loves and uses it then you are good to go. Just not me.

Messages In This Thread
Green River Section A - by night_flyguy - 04-18-2014, 09:03 PM
Re: [night_flyguy] Green River Section A - by flygoddess - 05-22-2014, 10:36 AM

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