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Green River Section A
Umm, I really wish that the tarpon photo at the end was a different fish and that I caught so many I just picked the best photo to go with the video but unfortunately that was the one and only tarpon I caught that day. I was really lucky to have had the Gopro on when I hooked it and that fisheye lens makes everything look smaller as the fish in the video is exact same fish in the photo. If I had caught more than one tarpon every picture would be on my instagram @rexfly but that's the only one (shameless instagram plug).
I was throwing an 8 wt. with 300 grain sinking line, blind casting for hours. I didn't practice for days with my 8 to get ready for the trip (and I know I'm not alone there) and there's no question for me at least that I would have been worn out after a couple hours if I had to cast with that big reel on my rod. That's why my guide loved it cause he sees guys quitting all the time after a short time casting those heavy rods and reels.
Sorry if this thread bugs anyone. We can talk about how I got skunked on the Lower today instead.

Messages In This Thread
Green River Section A - by night_flyguy - 04-18-2014, 09:03 PM
Re: [Joe_Hill] Green River Section A - by night_flyguy - 05-23-2014, 05:30 AM

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