06-06-2014, 08:59 PM
Fishing Report -- June 6, 2014
Striped Bass - The mouth of the Connecticut River turned on yesterday morning with some nice sized bass hitting on the surface. This morning the fleet was out with not much action. Summary, some larger bass are coming into the River from the Sound and others now dropping back from upriver. Every day is a different game, rumor is they were upriver this morning. Some schoolies were at the mouth of South Cove this AM. Still a lot of bunker in the mouth of the River with some schools as far north as Essex.
The Branford, Clinton and Westbrook reefs have some medium sized bass with trolling still being the best method with bucktails and spoons the most consistent producers. No one has reported a concentration of bass on any of the reefs, you just gotta keep picking away at them.
The Race and Plum Gut have similar reports with inconsistent action, one day good the next poor.
Bluefish - The best action has been in the Race and Plum Gut. There has been solid action along the Westbrook reefs this week. We've also heard they have arrived thick in Shinnecock Bay. This morning we heard our first report of a bluefish caught inside the CT River. They seem to be late to our area this year.
Winter Flounder - The season is now open til the end of the year. Not many reports but Hillyers heard of a 4 pound plus flounder caught this week by a reliable source.
Fluke - One of the more reliable areas this week has been along the south side of Fishers Island. Block Island reports this week have been spotty. We've also heard of some being caught in Niantic Bay. Locally, fluking has improved in the Clinton/Westbrook area.
Our Flat Out Fluke Contest is open call us or stop in for details. Steve Barron is still leading with a 7.80 pounder.
Blackfish - Closed in CT until July but open in RI.
Porgies - No reports around here but I suspect it's from lack of effort.
Weakfish - Still most of the action is to the west of Guilford but we did have a report last Friday of some small weaks caught behind Great Island.
Hours - We're changing to early Summer hours.
Mon - Fri 5am -- 7pm
Saturday 5am -- 6pm
Sunday 5am -- 5pm
[url "http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001RT61Ti6Ztxykjg33qFUj30K8BwoE7wkvSS0rJvOT7YbDNVLXxjg6-pTXpT5nzWT5UdF7dRyIAsEa1fU_QiUOKjiyapWEF9CMNfj1BSipwIljW6YRBsMqGl0pfHlvUzYlj6ItKcGdjGCyV__kGXAM-tX9MkrjFHByiJ8GlrH2wb4SpoiyNj3Y4ZzJENKXjTdf&c=myN8jjXqqxhUukW6DBak11htHSyUPi135SmFfB-QUZOkZmMo-jtKhA==&ch=0O2Urh7-NJw0iI37OUY3BdllVj-05_qm2cCIvgZ704Xf66FbouQI_g=="][/url]
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475
[url "http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1106025356213"][/url]
[center][font "tahoma,sans-serif"][#000000][size 1][url "http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=v6g4dcgab&m=1106025356213&ea=gdn443%40sbcglobal.net&a=1117571949242"]Forward email[/url][/size][/#000000][/font][/center]
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Striped Bass - The mouth of the Connecticut River turned on yesterday morning with some nice sized bass hitting on the surface. This morning the fleet was out with not much action. Summary, some larger bass are coming into the River from the Sound and others now dropping back from upriver. Every day is a different game, rumor is they were upriver this morning. Some schoolies were at the mouth of South Cove this AM. Still a lot of bunker in the mouth of the River with some schools as far north as Essex.
The Branford, Clinton and Westbrook reefs have some medium sized bass with trolling still being the best method with bucktails and spoons the most consistent producers. No one has reported a concentration of bass on any of the reefs, you just gotta keep picking away at them.
The Race and Plum Gut have similar reports with inconsistent action, one day good the next poor.
Bluefish - The best action has been in the Race and Plum Gut. There has been solid action along the Westbrook reefs this week. We've also heard they have arrived thick in Shinnecock Bay. This morning we heard our first report of a bluefish caught inside the CT River. They seem to be late to our area this year.
Winter Flounder - The season is now open til the end of the year. Not many reports but Hillyers heard of a 4 pound plus flounder caught this week by a reliable source.
Fluke - One of the more reliable areas this week has been along the south side of Fishers Island. Block Island reports this week have been spotty. We've also heard of some being caught in Niantic Bay. Locally, fluking has improved in the Clinton/Westbrook area.
Our Flat Out Fluke Contest is open call us or stop in for details. Steve Barron is still leading with a 7.80 pounder.
Blackfish - Closed in CT until July but open in RI.
Porgies - No reports around here but I suspect it's from lack of effort.
Weakfish - Still most of the action is to the west of Guilford but we did have a report last Friday of some small weaks caught behind Great Island.
Hours - We're changing to early Summer hours.
Mon - Fri 5am -- 7pm
Saturday 5am -- 6pm
Sunday 5am -- 5pm
[url "http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001RT61Ti6Ztxykjg33qFUj30K8BwoE7wkvSS0rJvOT7YbDNVLXxjg6-pTXpT5nzWT5UdF7dRyIAsEa1fU_QiUOKjiyapWEF9CMNfj1BSipwIljW6YRBsMqGl0pfHlvUzYlj6ItKcGdjGCyV__kGXAM-tX9MkrjFHByiJ8GlrH2wb4SpoiyNj3Y4ZzJENKXjTdf&c=myN8jjXqqxhUukW6DBak11htHSyUPi135SmFfB-QUZOkZmMo-jtKhA==&ch=0O2Urh7-NJw0iI37OUY3BdllVj-05_qm2cCIvgZ704Xf66FbouQI_g=="][/url]
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475
[url "http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1106025356213"][/url]
[center][font "tahoma,sans-serif"][#000000][size 1][url "http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=v6g4dcgab&m=1106025356213&ea=gdn443%40sbcglobal.net&a=1117571949242"]Forward email[/url][/size][/#000000][/font][/center]
[font "tahoma,sans-serif"][#000000][size 1][url "http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&m=00100giahqxsk9ykcviRalvlQ%3D%3D&ch=cdce0290-615d-11e3-9b98-d4ae528eade9&ca=51137547-431f-43d3-83e5-8e916ccb7450"][/url] [url "http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=TEM_RSS_005"][/url][/size][/#000000][/font]