06-08-2014, 09:17 PM
Nice meeting you yesterday, I guess one of us should have given you a phone number so you could have called to at least found out what was going on. Most of us stayed pretty close together, not only to talk but also to be informed of what was going on. We did not see you two after that first bend in the river, were you trolling on the way down? What were you using to catch that walleye? About halfway down the float, two different groups had dead batteries, we jumped the one but the other only had an electric motor so we towed them all the way back. Jeff told most of us in the group that the lunch was going to be at 1 pm, did you see him pass you on his way up to meet us? Anyway by the time we got to the marina and over to Jeff's place it was almost 3 pm. From the sounds of it, you two did the best, it is too bad you could not enjoyed the final part of the get together but since Jeff was doing it all on his own it is easy to miss things. I'm not sure how he even had time, with working full time and also farming to even pull if off but I think in general everything worked out as good as possible.