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Great day at the Berry
In reply to your questions: 1) We like to bake or broil the filets. Try not to get too fancy as the kokes are very good. Just butter, paprika, and some lemon pepper work just fine. Broil until the top starts to brown or bake for about 15 mins at 350F. Some of my friends make a soy, brown sugar topping and put that on top of a base layer of butter and say that is the best. Others go nuts over smoked kokes. Another favorite of ours is to can the salmon in a pressure canner. I can provide the recipe if you want. It is very simple, but the canning takes 90 minutes. We will do 20 to 30 pints at a time to last us the entire year. With the canned salmon you can make salmon patties or salmon loaf or eat it on crackers or make a dip. Doesn't matter ... it really tastes great and is our "go to" cooking procedure.

On lead core with weights, I think it would give the kokes too much weight to pull against and think you would loose most of them. You can tell a koke before you see it because it will come straight to the surface and try to reach the clouds. A clean line off a downrigger release is by far the best way to go. That way you will only have the flasher and the lure as a drag. Even then you won't get them all.

On fighting quality ... they are a SALMON and act like their bigger cousins. Pound for pound I would put them above cuts by a long shot, better than bows and comparable to small mouth bass pound for pound. They are exceptional jumpers and if you are lucky enough to get into 2 and 3 pounders you will be impressed. Problem is they have a soft mouth. Some trollers use a bungee, but I prefer 7 1/2 foot ultra light action rods with the reel set for light pull. You just have to take your time with them and don't try to horse them in. Good questions. Good luck.

Messages In This Thread
Great day at the Berry - by trueblue2 - 06-10-2014, 06:32 PM
Re: [Potsy] Great day at the Berry - by PACKFAN - 06-18-2014, 06:17 PM
Re: [dubob] Great day at the Berry - by mtncat1 - 06-13-2014, 12:55 AM
Re: [mtncat1] Great day at the Berry - by mtncat1 - 06-14-2014, 12:21 AM
Re: [Watershadow] Great day at the Berry - by trueblue2 - 06-11-2014, 01:23 AM
Re: [trueblue2] Great day at the Berry - by Potsy - 06-11-2014, 03:07 AM
Re: [Potsy] Great day at the Berry - by dubob - 06-11-2014, 04:16 PM

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