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Downrigger release Question
I'm not much of a fan of the cannon releases. Scotty has been my preference of clips, although I have not tried the above mentioned Du Bro clips (they sound like I need to get one). I also prefer the smaller semi-adjustable clips over the bigger scotty clips. Less drag (blowback) in my opinion.

You can definitely spend some time adjusting and getting the right amount of pressure to get the release to act just how you like it, but nothing is more frustrating than letting down 50' and putting a little bend in your rod just to have it pop out of the release. Especially frustrating if you have hand cranks. It's not too bad with electrics but still takes away from time spent fishing.

I tend to end up putting my line farther in the clip and having a little more tension on it as to avoid premature release. You still notice when you have a fish...that being said, it sure is fun to watch the rod pop out of the release with a fish on!!!

Messages In This Thread
Downrigger release Question - by Uintaman - 06-11-2014, 07:31 PM
Re: [Uintaman] Downrigger release Question - by TheScout - 06-11-2014, 08:06 PM

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