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drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, June 8, 2014, Dr Phillip Gawthrop and Jeff Baker
Dr Phil and his friend, Jeff Baker wanted another crappie fishing trip this AM and I was all for it. Goodness, with all the boat traffic, it is a wonder that we didn't run into someone. BASS elite series starting Wednesday and there were multiple boats on every ledge along the river. Then chiggers came out and the ocean liners, along with the wind, made for an interesting 4 hours of fishing. <br /><br />Crappie anglers, stay out of Possum creek. We started there, found the water temps to be 82.5 and no bites from anything except one tiny yellow bass. We hit docks and blowdowns there without success. Then back to the river ledge, where I found one spot that had a bass boat just cruising over it with his scanner running wide open. He was off my best spot, so we eased over, found the fish, threw a marker, and then fished. Only one good crappie from there, but it was 12.75".<br /><br />Then we kept moving to various structures and finally found some fish along one bluff. We also caught fish on one roadbed with cover on it. Totals, 9 keepers out of 12 fish. 1 tiny largemouth bass and the tiny yellow bass. They had to leave, so we headed back to HBSP to take the boat out. Saw 2jigs there and chatted him up for about 5 minutes. Good talking to you, Steve.<br /><br />I found out that Jeff Baker, Dr's Phil's friend, fished the BASS circuit for about 7 years, but has since stopped tournament fishing. Super nice guy. Wish that we could have put him on a bunch of crappie, but he promised to come back. I told him to practice. emoBigSmile <br /><br />All our fish came from water well over 10 feet with 15 to 18 being a good estimate. Bobby Garland, in a couple of colors worked pretty good. Outlaw Special, and Lights Out. 1/16 and 3/32 oz jig heads were needed for the current. TVA was running 20,000 at 6:00 AM. Boat waves from the ocean liners doing more than that. emoBang emoBigSmile emoGeezer

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drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, June 8, 2014, Dr Phillip Gawthrop and Jeff Baker - by FishNews - 06-13-2014, 09:00 AM

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