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Flaming Gorge/Strawberry trip.
This convinced me of what must be done. Flaming Gorge it is!5 days booked at Lodgepole campground. (10 miles south of Cedar Springs). I can use the facilities down lower, like the showers and marina though. This campground also has flush toilets. My girlfriend won't go to the bathroom in the outhouses. Also, we both wanted some cooler weather at 8,000 feet and some shade.

I will make day trips to Strawberry on Fridays or even one day camping from now until my bigger trip.

Thanks again everyone. You've all been helpful. [fishon]

Messages In This Thread
Flaming Gorge/Strawberry trip. - by Flounder70 - 06-17-2014, 04:34 PM
Re: [SBennett] Flaming Gorge/Strawberry trip. - by Flounder70 - 06-18-2014, 09:32 PM

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