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Great deal on fly rod and float tube, and other outdoor gear.
For me I use this place often. I always buy head phones. Soon my own personal climbing gear for a smaller fraction of a price. How is it a scam with 320,663 likes on fb and have been around on fb since November 4, 2009.
I'm pretty sure the FBI would of shut the place down really fast in 2010.

You are thinking it wrong. Your not paying $25 to be a member when you are in. You sign in for free and the people who purchase from the company gives me a $25 in store credit for each person who spend $25 for referring them to the website. Then those other people that sign in sends it out so it spreads out bigger and they can get in store credit from their friends or other blogs.

It's great place to get stuff like last year model camping gear, skies, glasses, and other things if it finally makes sense.

If you don't want to be in a free membership website with great deals then don't bother looking at it lol.

Apparently you don't get the concept about it.

As well you might want to read the page a little slowly. I copy and pasted it just for you.

"Eric Wiaderny invites you to join The Clymb, a member’s only network that provides insider pricing on the planet’s most sought-after brands.

Join by filling out this short form. Then invite your friends! You get $25 in credit for each friend you invite that signs up and makes a purchase of $25 or more."

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Re: [riverdog] Great deal on fly rod and float tube, and other outdoor gear. - by Flyfishinglover - 06-26-2014, 08:03 AM

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