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salecreekaviator, Chick, Various, 6-22-14, willowflies
<br /> This is my first fishing report in ages simply because unfortunately it is the first time I have fished in ages. We were out of town last week and when we got back Sunday afternoon I went to check on the dock and boat and saw willowflies caught in spider webs on the shore. <br /> I went back down to the dock Sunday evening and found it to be an incredibly calm evening and the shoreline absolutely tornado swarming with flies. I grabbed a 7 ft light tackle, rooster tail and jumped in my daughter's kayak. I have no idea how many dozens and dozens of bream, shellcracker, yellow bass and striped bass I caught. Nothing of great size but hook ups with almost every cast and on the light tackle they all feel like a whale. <br /> It was funny that it was so calm I could move around in the direction I wanted without paddling. I would just cast in the direction I wanted and let even the bream and shellcracker slowly redirect me around. I wished I had a popper or topwater handy, it would've been a blast to hook a sizable bass and go for the ride. <br /> All released and lots of fun. Sorry no camera or phone so no pictures; just a fishing tale.

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salecreekaviator, Chick, Various, 6-22-14, willowflies - by FishNews - 06-27-2014, 09:00 AM

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