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Morning madness at Lindon 7-1-14
[#0000FF]I wanted to go to Starvation today but Mama Nature said she would huff and puff and blow me off the water if I did. I was mad about that. But not mad at how Utah Lake treated me.

Launched at Lindon a little after 5:30. Cruised out to the mouth of the marina and tried throwing some plastics. Nobody home...or nobody who wanted to play anyway.

Put the electric motor on 2 and started dragging one of my newer "hanger tube" rigs. Pitched a tandem tube jig rig on the other rod. Wasn't even full light yet when a 21 inch kitty tried to take my jig rod away. Kept it up for several minutes and then decided to crawl into my net to have her picture taken. Released I did all the other fish I caught today.

Missed a couple more whacks before I got to the line of buoys at the bubbleup. Nobody else there so I began my pattern of working from the last buoy out and fishing along the length of the pipe until I found fish. Pow. Zing. Another scrappy kitty on the light jig rod. Turned out to be a 20 something inch male cat. Good tussle.

That was the beginning of about 3 hours of too much fun. I continued to drag the hanger tube rig on one rod while pitching jigs around the pipe as I gradually moved from 5 feet depth at the end of the pipe to about 2 feet in the shallows. I caught more channel cats, a grundle of bullheads (mud cats), a few white bass and one cantankerous carp that really wanted my little black and chartreuse jig.

I guesstimate that I caught about a dozen channel cats...from a dinky footlong to one about 26 or 27 inches. The latter was a big headed black daddy cat. Took my hanger tube rig and zinged off about 20 yards of line against the drag before I could get the rod out of the holder and become a part of the program.

Bullheads were downright pesky. They got hooked on the small jigs easily enough but just stripped the worm sweetener off the bigger hanger tube rigs. It was easy enough to tell the difference between a mudder and a kwazy kitty. I easily caught over 20 of them...and didn't get spined neither. They got a way of flipping as you release them that leaves you bleeding and cursing as they swim away.

White bass were scarce. I caught one here and there but did not find any concentrations. The good news is that they are getting healthier. And they are barfing up some of their own young so they evidently got off a spawn this year. Still smaller than I like though. An 11 incher is a trophy this year. Probably be some footlongs by fall.

I actually ran out of worms for sweetening my jigs by 10 AM. Started adding some Gulp goodies and had some hits but not as good as worms.

Hit the ramp about the power squadron was lining up to begin the size comparison thing. Boy was I sorry that I only had my scuzzy little float tube. Just think of all the fun I could have had in one of those big noisy muthas.

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Morning madness at Lindon 7-1-14 - by TubeDude - 07-01-2014, 08:55 PM

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