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Found rods in flaming gorge, want to clean them
Might work: digestive enzyme capsules at the health food store has enzymes to digest a variety of foods (normally in your stomach). It's advantage (if it works and particularly if the rod is expensive) is it will only attack the food (algae) and will be gentle on the rod. It's diSadvantage is it's slow and might not work. To test it, mix a capsule in a glass of water, dip in paper towels and wrap on all surfaces and then wrap with plastic wrap to keep it from evaporating. Forget about it for maybe a few days and later look to see if the algae is mush that rinses or wipes off.

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Re: [arrowheadsaver] Found rods in flaming gorge, want to clean them - by RonPaulFan - 07-03-2014, 07:11 AM

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