07-13-2014, 01:06 PM
"You rig up that new inflatable with a bunch of PVC, gonna have to start calling you "YoteDude"......all due respect to Tube Dude of course."
[#0000FF]Hey, hey, hey. Careful how you start assigning status here. Mere accumulation of PVC on one's craft does not automatically elevate one to "dude-dom".
Nice work on the fishies. Love that little lake but I quit fishing it when the wacko power squadron took over. Like bringing a gun to a knife fight on that tiny pond. But, as you proved once again, there are some nice fish there for the light tackle panfish fan.
[#0000FF]Hey, hey, hey. Careful how you start assigning status here. Mere accumulation of PVC on one's craft does not automatically elevate one to "dude-dom".
Nice work on the fishies. Love that little lake but I quit fishing it when the wacko power squadron took over. Like bringing a gun to a knife fight on that tiny pond. But, as you proved once again, there are some nice fish there for the light tackle panfish fan.