12-27-2003, 02:13 AM
hey guys, we got what ya call mountain lion, same breed anyways aint, they, i figure. same colors and size as fer as i know. come down from canada, into vermont, out in shedsville years ago had black panther, too. don,t know of any bein seen since then when i was a kid ridin my pony, {black panther" i mean. but still believe theres the mountain lion around cause bout five years ago, i know of a mother and 2 cubs bein born in hartland. not only 10 miles from my house. i was watchin then at a friends house spring when she bored em, quite a distance away. but see em when she brought them out of the den,. they were beautiful. had to keep animals in, but i think pretty much she got my ducks. i was hot about it, but i,ts only nature. whetjer we like it or not. thought my pen was sturdy enough but she,s strong. and big. and gonna feed her young. i liked my ducks they were pets, but that,s life. huh? yeah, easy prey. lotta ml up in the nek. too. they were stalkin the ponies my gitlfriend had. so she got some donkeys and they laid off conin round. coyotes and ml and dogs don,t like donkeys. they also put them in with the sheep here and the cows and the beefers. she ==he must of been hungry, or she was protectin her territory and young. it sounds. maybe she was sayin her young were hungry too. another easay prey. she just probably wanted to scare him off so,s she could have the meat. elk winter??? what you figure?? one of these reasons anyways.