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willard, no water just tickets
As usual, you make some damned good points Bob. So I suppose this applies to ALL trailers, not just boat trailers? Like my OLD Ford pickup bed trailer for hauling crap?

But your question about "burden of proof" - that's a biggie. I mean seriously - for those of us (many) that have some ancient boat/trailer - how do they expect us to do that? Is there a weigh station where you can have your boat hoisted off the trailer to weigh it?
My boat doesn't have a title, or even one of those "tags" specifying it's compliance numbers (weight limits, et all). The VIN is literally scratched by hand on the back of the boat.
Are we expected to go launch somewhere, leave the boat, drive to a weigh station, pay whatever fee, then go retrieve the boat (minus battery/motor/fishfinder/ and any other tempting tidbits some sludge decides to liberate!).
I'm not a hugely strong buy, but if I can lift my trailer off the ground - with the boat on it, um - Lou Ferrigno I am not, so I think that alone should be proof of weight limits.

I think you're right they are playing the gamble that most folks will buckle and pay, or pay the additional tax for usage. I just fed up where everything goes up except my paycheck!
It's probably tied to Obama's Affordable health care (I'm expecting someone to claim!).

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willard, no water just tickets - by stlaf - 07-27-2014, 12:26 AM

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