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Provo River "Bounce Rig" ??
One small point about tying the rig, if you tie a blood knot instead of a surgeon's knot it will hold your tags out at a 90 degree angle, present the fly better, and reduce tangles.

If you don't know how to tie a blood knot, or don't want to, you can take the tag from a surgeons knot, and tie an overhand knot with it and the main line, and that will stick the tag out at the same 90 degree angle.

It's a tip I picked up from Dynamic Nymphing by George Daniel and it has worked well for me.

Messages In This Thread
Provo River "Bounce Rig" ?? - by rgreenland - 07-28-2014, 09:30 PM
Re: [rgreenland] Provo River "Bounce Rig" ?? - by grunttwice - 07-29-2014, 07:16 PM

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