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VolsFan24, Chickamauga, Bass, 8/6, Solo
So I finally got my boat back after a third trip to the mechanic. Conclusion was some corroded connections and maybe stator going bad. Not sure about stator because it measured out of spec once and then a few hours later was in spec and was in spec for next 2 days. Oh well. Ride it til she goes i guess. <br />I had the priveledge of taking a trip with Rogne Brown last Thursday. Never posted a report, was busy entertaining my brother so i never got around to it. I learned so much and have been dying to put my new knowledge to work. Add that and about 3 weeks without my boat working and i was borderline itching to get on the water. <br />She cranked up and off we went around 7:15 pm. Idled around a grass flat paying attention to my Humminbird 997 SI (now I have the knowledge thanks to Rogne). Haha. Found an edge and started throwing a chatterbait. Caught 2 and missed a nice bite. Put boat back on trailer around 8:30. I got my fix, stretched my line, and my new knowledge helped me put some fish in the boat. Great afternoon. <br />First fish was about 1.5# LM. Bigger one was about 2.5# smallie? Fish looked brown to me and i thought was bigger the way she faught. All in 5-8 fow.

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VolsFan24, Chickamauga, Bass, 8/6, Solo - by FishNews - 08-10-2014, 09:00 AM

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