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Why do a lot of fishermen fish alone?????
I get asked this often because I fish alone alot and I am disabled.
I also fish with old friends and new people too.
I have a routine when I fish alone to launch my boat that is not too difficult but it does help if a courtesy dock is available.
I fish alone in bad weather and after dark, and I like to go fast. It does piss my wife off but I always tell her what lake I will be going to.
I did promise her I will start wearing a life jacket so if something goes wrong she can at least have some closure.

P.S. If something does go wrong, whoever returns me to my wife can have my St. Croix ultralight AND my LuckyCraft collection as a reward.

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Re: [boatfisher] Why do a lot of fishermen fish alone????? - by SBennett - 08-13-2014, 04:16 AM

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