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hooked on strawberry
After a successful first trip to strawberry over the weekend i decided to run the boat back out there last night. had a buddy come in from out of town , loaded up the boat and my dog then headed up that way . was a bit leary of the weather but it ended up being a beautiful night.

launched out of strawberry marina around 530pm - lot was almost completely empty of boat trailers - wind was kicking up a bit but nothing major.

setup the trolling spread and trolled towards hawes point out in 65fow or so-- once the proper depth was dialed in (35 on the downriggers) we starting popping the Rainbows pretty steadily. tried a variety of baits but the main producers were squids. also got a couple on leadcore w/ crankbaits.
Ended up with 2 double headers on the same exact spot. marked a waypoint after the first one , turned around and ran back through it and had another one! that was awesome. we boated around a dozen nice solid Rainbows and lost another 6 or so easily.
first fish my buddy has caught in over 5 years so we had a great time.
All fish are still swimming , i only keep fish for an occasional meal here and there during the season.

Got the boat loaded up right at dusk and was greeted by a monsoon for our drive home......awesome lightning show as well.

great night in Utah

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hooked on strawberry - by Blackellunge - 08-21-2014, 01:29 PM

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